Monday, October 29, 2012

Indonesia arrests 11 in suspected US Embassy terror plot - World ...

AP Photo/Jefta

An Indonesian police officer stands guard at the door of the house of a suspected terrorist after a raid Saturday in Jakarta, Indonesia.

By NBC News staff and wire reports

JAKARTA, Indonesia ??Indonesia's anti-terror squad arrested 11 people suspected of planning a range of attacks on domestic and foreign targets including the U.S. Embassy and a site near the Australian Embassy, police said Saturday.?

The suspects were arrested in raids Friday and Saturday in four provinces, national police spokesman Maj. Gen. Suhardi Alius said.

He said the suspects belonged to a new group called the Harakah Sunni for Indonesian Society, or HASMI.

"From evidence found at the scene, we believe that this group was well prepared for serious terror attacks," Alius said.

A U.S. State Department spokesperson told NBC News, "We have seen the reports, but cannot comment as this is an ongoing Indonesian security investigation."

Police seized a number of bombs, explosive materials, a bomb-making manual and ammunition, Alius said. They also found a 3-kilogram (6.6-pound) gas cylinder filled with highly explosive material, which had been assembled at a house in the East Java town of Madiun. Videos and images of attacks on Muslims in various parts of the world were also recovered, he said.?

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Alius said the group planned to target the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta and a plaza near the Australian Embassy and the local office of U.S. mining giant Freeport-McMoRan. It also planned to attack the U.S. Consulate in Surabaya and the headquarters of a special police force in Central Java, he said.

It was unclear how far the plans had advanced.

Alius said police are still investigating whether the group has ties with established terrorist organizations such as Jemaah Islamiyah. An investigator who spoke in condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to provide information to the media said HASMI's apparent leader, Abu Hanifah, was a Jemaah Islamiyah sympathizer.

Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, has been battling terrorists since the 2002 bombings in Bali by militants linked to Jemaah Islamiyah which killed 202 people, mostly foreign tourists.

Subsequent attacks have claimed more than 50 people, mostly Indonesians. The government has arrested more than 700 suspected terrorists and killed dozens more in an attempt to root out militants.

Earlier this month, police warned of a terrorist threat in Bali targeting a ceremony commemorating the 10th anniversary of the bombings. The country's security alert was raised to its highest level.

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Last month, police arrested 10 Islamist militants and seized a dozen homemade bombs from a group suspected of planning suicide attacks against security forces and plotting to blow up the Parliament building. The alleged bomb maker turned himself in to police while wearing an empty suicide vest.

Recent terror attacks in the country have been carried out by individuals or small groups and have targeted security forces and local "infidels" instead of Westerners, with less deadly results. The arrests announced Saturday appear to be the first in recent years to involve a group that allegedly planned to target foreign facilities.?

NBC's Catherine Chomiak contributed to this report.?

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Heart attack victims in rich, white neighborhoods twice as likely to get CPR than people who collapse in poor, black neighborhoods

ScienceDaily (Oct. 24, 2012) ? In the first study of its kind, researchers have found that those who suffer cardiac arrests in upper income, white neighborhoods are nearly twice as likely to get cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) than people who collapse in low-income, black neighborhoods.

"If you drop in a neighborhood that is 80 percent white with a median income over $40,000 a year, you have a 55 percent chance of getting CPR," said study author Comilla Sasson, MD, an emergency room physician at the University of Colorado Hospital. "If you drop in a poor, black neighborhood you have a 35 percent chance. Life or death can literally be determined by what side of the street you drop on."

The study was published October 24 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Sasson, an assistant professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, analyzed data from 14,225 patients who suffered cardiac arrests in 29 cities from 2005-2009. She and her colleagues used census data to determine which neighborhood the event took place in, its racial make-up and median household income. Low-income was considered at or below $40,000 a year.

"We found a direct relationship between the median household income and racial composition of a neighborhood and the probability that a person whose heart had stopped would have a bystander perform CPR," the study said. "This association was most apparent in low-income black neighborhoods where the odds of receiving bystander- initiated CPR were approximately 50 percent lower than in high-income, nonblack neighborhoods."

A number of reasons were identified for this disparity. One is the cost of CPR training. Another is a lack of outreach to minority neighborhoods by organizations that promote CPR. And there are also language barriers and cultural issues surrounding the learning and performance of CPR.

Part of the study involved conducting focus groups in poor neighborhoods. In one area of Columbus, OH residents had median incomes of $20,000.

"If they paid $250 for a CPR class you are talking about 15 percent of their salary," Sasson said. "When you look at the competing economic interests -- am I going to eat tonight or attend a CPR class? -- the answer is obvious."

Yet the consequences are also obvious.

According to the study, there are 300,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests each year with survival rates that vary wildly from 0.2 percent in Detroit to 16 percent in Seattle. The difference can be explained in large part to intervention with CPR.

"For every 20 who get CPR you get one life saved," Sasson said. "So you are talking about thousands of lives being saved here."

The problem isn't only about income. Even in wealthier black neighborhoods, those who had cardiac arrest were 23 percent less likely to receive CPR than in high-income nonblack neighborhoods.

And the study showed that regardless of the neighborhood where a cardiac arrest occurs, blacks and Hispanics were 30 percent less likely than whites to receive CPR from a bystander.

"This suggests that, neighborhood effects, though important, do not fully account for observed racial differences," the study said.

Sasson called for more targeted, low-cost CPR training efforts based on the income and racial composition of neighborhoods. She is also working on creating public health programs aimed at increasing bystander-given CPR in specific communities.

As a doctor who once practiced in a level one trauma center in Atlanta, Sasson has witnessed first-hand the human toll of this inequity.

"I would see African-Americans coming in and dying from cardiac arrests after having laid there for 10 minutes with no one delivering CPR," she said. "There is no reason in 2012 that this kind of disparity exists -- that you live or die depending on what side of the street you drop on. It is simply unacceptable."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Colorado Denver, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Comilla Sasson, David J. Magid, Paul Chan, Elisabeth D. Root, Bryan F. McNally, Arthur L. Kellermann, Jason S. Haukoos. Association of Neighborhood Characteristics with Bystander-Initiated CPR. New England Journal of Medicine, 2012; 367 (17): 1607 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1110700

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Secrecy surrounds Ukrainian president's home

(AP) ? When Ukraine's president opened up his home to TV cameras, he presented a cozy place with a small office just big enough for his grandchildren to play in. But his critics point to strong evidence he actually lives in very different digs: a luxurious, marble-columned mansion with a golf course, a helipad and even an ostrich enclosure.

The reported grandeur is becoming a campaign issue in a country quickly getting fed up with widespread corruption. Critics call Viktor Yanukovych's home an emblem of the secrecy and arrogance that defines his presidency, painting him as a leader who basks in splendor while his main political opponent, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, is locked up in prison on charges the West has called politically motivated.

Yanukovych has refused to answer questions about the house or the vast park where it sits, once darkly suggesting that an investigative journalist back off. An opposition activist looking for answers broke into the property James Bond-style, scaling the walls with a tow rope. She was detained, but still managed to salvage photographs of a golf course and glitzy buildings, describing an opulent palace guarded by heavy security.

Political commentator Vitaly Portnikov, who has compared Yanukovych's government to a "mafia" jeopardizing Ukraine's desire for greater integration with the European Union, cited Yanukovych's clandestine residence as an example of the corruption and lack of transparency unacceptable in the West.

"Viktor Yanukovych's main goal is not to be the president of Ukraine but to be the No. 1 oligarch in Ukraine," said Portnikov. "He fought for power ... specifically in order to consolidate in his hands a huge amount of resources and property, in order to make his family the first family in the country."

The two main opposition parties are likely to gain ground in Sunday's parliamentary election. But with the pro-Western opposition's charismatic leader in jail and a lack of unity among government critics, the president's Party of Regions is expected to retain its majority in Parliament.

Yanukovych, who returned to power in 2010 after a period out of office, maintains a strong core of support, especially in the Russian-leaning east and south of the country, claiming credit for bringing stability after years of paralyzing political infighting and economic free-fall.

But his democracy and reform record is poor. TV channels, the main source of information for Ukrainians, are controlled by tycoons loyal to the government and they give little airtime to the opposition. Investors complain of being stripped of their companies through unfair legal action brought by government-friendly businessmen. And Ukrainians are angry over perks and unfair treatment for VIPs: Officials and their friends routinely run red lights or avoid traffic by driving the wrong way. In one case that sparked national protests, two of three suspects in the brutal gang rape and murder of a teenage girl were initially released ? because of their connections to local officials, activists say.

Yanukovych's home is in Mezhygirya park, 140 hectares (345 acres) of forested hills situated along the Dnipro River, some 25 kilometers (15 miles) north of Kiev, the capital. Founded decades ago on the ashes of an Orthodox Christian monastery, the park included a government residence for top Communist Party bosses like Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, and is off limits to the public.

Through a series of controversial government acts, Yanukovych was able to privatize a modest house on a 1.8-hectare (4.4-acre) plot of land inside the park. After that, two firms were allowed to lease the park from the government for 49 years. They demolished most of the Soviet-era buildings, including the government residence, and began construction of new houses and sports clubs.

Yanukovych has refused to say who is behind the two firms, but his critics have no doubts.

Mezhygirya is "a symbol of the president's inappropriate desire for luxury, the unknown source of his wealth and the desire to hide it all behind dummy firms," said Serhiy Leshchenko, a journalist with the Ukrainska Pravda news site whose investigation has linked the two firms to Yanukovych and his family.

Seeking to counter criticism, Yanukovych invited six trusted journalists to Mezhygirya in the summer of 2011 and gave them a tour of his official house. He led the men into his bedroom, where an Orthodox Christian icon stood on a bedside table, and then his small office, where he lets his grandchildren play while he works. He also showed them a fireplace in the living room he said he had to abandon because a family of owls had settled inside.

But ownership documents for the two firms uncovered by Leshchenko link them to Yanukovych and his allies and bolster claims that he controls the entire estate. Aerial photos taken by the Korrespondent weekly magazine show that the property appears to be one entity, complete with a giant mansion, fruit and vegetable greenhouses and an array of sports facilities. Journalists who have tried to get into the park or even a nearby village have been stopped by government security agents.

Investigative journalist Tetyana Chernovil scaled the 5-meter (16.5-foot) fence with a rope and a wooden plank, spending about three hours inside before getting caught by security guards with barking dogs. She was able to see the ostriches and photograph the golf club, a large barge made of rare red wood and plated with gold, and other buildings, before being released after several hours of questioning.

Chernovil, who is running for parliament on the opposition ticket, questions the source of all this luxury given that Yanukovych's official annual salary is about $115,000 a year. She is infuriated at the lavish spending in a country where some rural schools still have no indoor plumbing.

When "small kids are forced to run to the toilet outside in the winter, how can a president allow himself to . build these helicopter pads, which only he needs, which no one else uses?," she asked.

Associated Press


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Leading LNG Players to Meet at CWC World ... - LNG World News

Leading LNG Players to Meet at CWC World LNG Summit

The spotlight continues on the LNG market, with increasing supply and demand for gas, potentially indicating that gas demand could outstrip coal by 2030, and get close to demand for oil by 2035.

However, the question still remains ? how will the LNG supply and demand balance look in the next three years, amid new supply projects coming on stream and changing energy policies in importing countries? This question and others will be analysed by LNG professionals around the globe when they meet at the Thirteenth CWC World LNG Summit and Awards Gala Dinner on 27-30 November 2012 in Barcelona.

Through a line-up of renowned international speakers, the Summit offers participants the chance to hear about the future of LNG supply and demand from companies including: Anadarko, Angola LNG, Sonatrach, Repsol, Stream, Petrobras, Shell, Mitsubishi, BG Group, GAIL, Tokyo Gas, Panama Canal Authority, Klaipedos Nafta, GasAtacama, Chevron and many more.

The Summit also offers strategic networking opportunities in an exclusive environment, with the key decision makers coming together over four days to build relationships and close their deals before the end of the year.

This year sees the 8th edition of the prestigious LNG Awards Gala Dinner hosted at the stunning Castell de Sant Marcal, where delegates will find out who has won the three highly anticipated awards: the LNG Technological Innovation Award, the LNG Executive of 2012 Award and the highly regarded CWC / WGI Annual LNG Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Industry.

Plus invaluable networking at the BG Group hosted Welcome drinks, the Repsol and STREAM hosted informal drinks party as well as various luncheons and coffee breaks sponsored by Rasgas, Angola LNG and Union Fenosa Gas.

LNG World News Staff, October 24, 2012; Image: CWC



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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Video: Nation?s fastest road opens in Texas

>>> in texas today, workers moved barricades that opened the way for a new section of highway, a privately built toll way that will be expensive to travel, but if you have a need for speed that could be it. it is the fastest road in the nation, but critics say it could come at a price. here is nbc, janet shamlian .

>> reporter: pedal to the metal , and it is legal.

>> one, two, three.

>> reporter: the nation's fastest road opened in texas late today, with a speed limit of 85 miles an hour.

>> it is texas , i don't see anything wrong with it. i mean, it's a safe road.

>> reporter: the 41 mile stretch of toll road runs between austin and san antonio , essentially the same road as bottlenecked interstate 35 . built with private money, the speed limit was part of a deal. the developer, which wants as many users as possible which collects the tolls, paid texas an extra $100 million for setting the limit at 85.

>> i think the future holds more toll roads , whether they're privately developed or publicly developed, because we need to get the passengers out of the traffic.

>> reporter: but it is more dangerou dangerous. accidents are dropping, but critics say speed kills.

>> it increases the number of crashes and serious injuries in the crashes and the number of death.

>> reporter: there is also concern whether or not drivers will actually obey the higher limit and not consider it nearly a guideline.

>> if it is 85, they will do 15-20 over, and stuff, the way they drive out here.

>> reporter: the autobahn concept could get them looking for new ways to pay for it. this doesn't come cheap, the toll is six dollars, one way. janet shamlian , mustang road, texas .


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Berlusconi confirms will not run in 2013 Italy election

ROME (Reuters) - Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi confirmed on Wednesday he would not lead his People of Freedom (PDL) party in next year's election, ending months of speculation about his political future.

The 76-year-old media magnate said this month he might not stand if withdrawing his candidacy could help centrist and center-right parties come together to form a "moderate" bloc.

But his statement on Wednesday went further, suggesting that a career in frontline politics that began in 1994 may be coming to an end.

"I will not stand for premier again but I remain at the side of younger people who can play and score goals," said the owner of AC Milan football club, who quit as prime minister in November last year during a mounting financial crisis.

"I still have good muscles and some good sense but my role will be to give advice."

The flamboyant Berlusconi, whose reported "bunga bunga" parties won worldwide notoriety, has taken a largely backseat role in politics since he was forced to step down, but he remains the dominant figure within the PDL.

However, his standing with the general public has fallen sharply after an array of sexual and political scandals and an opinion poll last month gave him just 18 percent support, well behind Angelino Alfano, the PDL's party secretary.

The former justice minister, who celebrates his 42nd birthday next week, is the favorite to take the center-right into the election, which must be held no later than April.

However Daniela Santanche, a Berlusconi loyalist from the right wing of the party, said she would also run in a primary ballot to select the candidate for prime minister, which Berlusconi suggested could be held on December 16.

Alfano, considered a moderate, has struggled to contain vicious factional infighting in the party. He faces an early test on Sunday with local elections in his home region of Sicily, which has flirted with bankruptcy this year.

His job has been complicated by corruption scandals which have hit center-right governments in the northern region of Lombardy and in the Lazio region around Rome and further damaged the already dismal image of Italy's political class.


Given Berlusconi's long record of surprises and turnarounds, his statement may still not be the final word, but it was widely welcomed by senior figures in the PDL.

"This move to stand down permits the Italian system as a whole, the government and the political parties, to move forward," former Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said after the statement.

Berlusconi's departure may also make it easier for the PDL to form an alliance with centrist forces which have been deeply suspicious of the former premier as well as others such as its estranged former partners in the pro-devolution Northern League.

The financial crisis facing Italy has eased in recent weeks but markets have been watching closely for signs of what government might emerge after technocrat Prime Minister Mario Monti stands down.

The political situation remains exceptionally confused, with the main parties unable to agree even on an electoral law that will govern next year's ballot, but opinion polls suggest the center-right will struggle.

A survey from the SWG institute last week put PDL support at 14.3 percent, behind the center-left Democratic Party (PD) on 25.9 and the anti-establishment 5 Star Movement of comic Beppe Grillo on 21.

Monti, a former European Commissioner often seen as a potential President of the Republic, sought to ease fears of instability after the election, saying Italy's partners should "please relax".

He said whichever government came after his own would have to respect the commitments Italy had made to the European Union.

Outside Italy Monti is widely perceived to have done a good job since taking over from Berlusconi, but the country remains in deep recession with the economy expected to contract 2.4 percent this year.

(Reporting By James Mackenzie; Editing by Robert Woodward and Andrew Osborn)


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hasbro 3rd-qtr profit falls 4 pct, revenue drops

FILE - In this Feb. 5, 2011, file photo, toys by Hasbro are displayed in New York. Hasbro Inc. announced Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 that its third-quarter net income was down by 4 percent. But the Pawtucket, R.I.-based company remains confident heading into the critical holiday season, which is when toy makers can earn up to 40 percent of annual revenue. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 5, 2011, file photo, toys by Hasbro are displayed in New York. Hasbro Inc. announced Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 that its third-quarter net income was down by 4 percent. But the Pawtucket, R.I.-based company remains confident heading into the critical holiday season, which is when toy makers can earn up to 40 percent of annual revenue. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

(AP) ? The toys wars are heating up, with Hasbro planning to beef up spending on advertising after reporting that its third-quarter results fell by 4 percent.

Hasbro, whose toys include My Little Pony, Transformers and Scrabble, said Monday that its results were hurt by weakness in toys for boys and preschool and the stronger U.S. dollar. But the Pawtucket, R.I.-based company's adjusted results topped Wall Street's forecasts on Monday. And Hasbro remains confident heading into the critical holiday season, which is when toy makers can earn up to 40 percent of annual revenue.

Hasbro is optimistic despite that the holidays are expected to be a tough battleground for toy makers because retailers are ordering inventory more cautiously. In addition, retailers including Wal-Mart, Kmart and Toys R Us have beefed up layaway and reservation services to encourage shoppers to buy toys early in the season, meaning they might be scarce later on.

Chief Financial Officer Deborah Thomas said Hasbro plans to boost toy sales during the holiday season "with a significant increase in marketing support in an environment of significantly lower U.S. retail inventory." That includes spending of 30 percent to 40 percent more, in terms of dollars, than it did a year ago.

"The team has done a great job of not only looking at traditional media but digital and social media and you'll see our brands showing up in all those places ? everywhere consumers are interacting with brand," CEO Brian Goldner said during the call.

For the three months ended Sept. 30, Hasbro Inc. earned $164.9 million, or $1.24 per share. That compares with $171 million, or $1.27 per share, a year earlier.

Removing the impact of the stronger dollar, earnings were $1.28 per share. A reduction in the number of outstanding shares through repurchases helped boost earnings per share by about 2 cents. Analysts, on average, expected profit of $1.20 per share, according to FactSet.

Revenue slipped 2 percent to $1.35 billion from $1.38 billion. Revenue totaled $1.39 billion excluding unfavorable foreign exchange rates. Wall Street forecast $1.38 billion, on average.

Revenue in the U.S. and Canada edged up 1 percent, helped by solid sales of girls' products and games. This was somewhat offset by weaker sales of preschool toys and boys' products. Overseas revenue fell 7 percent, hurt by the stronger dollar. When the dollar is strong, international sales translate into fewer dollars back at home.

Girls' toys showed the most growth, with revenue up 17 percent. Sales were helped by the launches of the latest Furby robotic pets and One Direction boy band dolls. New products available for the holiday season ? including interactive doll Baby Alive Baby Wanna Walk, animatronic animals Furreal Friends Baby Butterscotch and Bouncy My Happy to See Me Pup also posted strong results in the period.

The softest category was boys, which was hurt by expected drop-offs in sales of Transformers and Beyblade, a spinning top game.

Sales in Hasbro's games category were flat. The company, which owns well known games such as Scrabble and Monopoly, has been working to turn around results in this category as more people turn to electronic games. It is launching board games based on smartphone games such as Angry Birds and Farmville, in an effort to improve results.

Hasbro said that it still expects its full-year earnings per share and revenue to climb, when stripping out the impact of foreign exchange rates.

Hasbro shares fell 5 cents to $39.

Hasbro's report followed larger rival Mattel Inc.'s more upbeat third-quarter results last week. The company said its net income rose 22 percent, helped by strong sales of its Monster High Dolls and Fisher Price toys.


Associated Press Writer Michelle Chapman contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Cutler shakes off injury, Bears beat Lions 13-7

Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher (54) celebrates with Israel Idonije (71) and Nick Roach (53) after he recovered fumble against the Detroit Lions near the goal line in the second half of an NFL football game in Chicago, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)

Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher (54) celebrates with Israel Idonije (71) and Nick Roach (53) after he recovered fumble against the Detroit Lions near the goal line in the second half of an NFL football game in Chicago, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)

Chicago Bears head coach Lovie Smith watches the action against the Detroit Lions in the second half of an NFL football game in Chicago, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

Detroit Lions head coach Jim Schwartz talks with line judge Ron Phares in the second half of an NFL football game against the Chicago Bears in Chicago, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler (6) is sacked by Detroit Lions defensive end Kyle Vanden Bosch (93) in the second half of an NFL football game in Chicago, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Chicago Bears running back Matt Forte, left, and Detroit Lions safety Louis Delmas exchange their jerseys after an NFL football game in Chicago, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. The Bears won 13-7. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

(AP) ? Jay Cutler's been seeing this all season, a rerun on an endless loop, and he's not ready to change the channel.

Not when the defense is performing like this. And not when the wins keep piling up.

"Unbelievable," Cutler said.

Actually, it's the norm this season.

Cutler returned after bruising his ribs, and Brian Urlacher made a key fumble recovery to help the Chicago Bears beat the Detroit Lions 13-7 Monday night for their fourth straight win.

"Those guys are playing so well, flying to the ball, stopping the run," Cutler said. "They're tough against the pass, they're tough down at the goal line. You can't say enough about the way they're coming together."

It was certainly not an easy night for the NFC North leaders, particularly their quarterback, but they came away with the win after a week off and possibly buried Detroit (2-4) in the process despite getting a major scare along the way.

That happened in the second quarter when Cutler was sacked by Ndamukong Suh and wound up going to the locker room to have his ribs examined.

Cutler came back to start the second half and was 16 of 31 with 150 yards and a touchdown in the game, and although he said he was feeling "all right" afterward, he acknowledged he wasn't at full strength during the game.

"But we had to fight through it," he added.

They did just that, and with the defense locking down the Lions, the Bears (5-1) prevailed. It was a huge blow for last-place Detroit, a team many expected to contend for the division championship after making the playoffs last year for the first time in more than a decade.

"It's tough," Calvin Johnson said. "We had a great week of practice last week and it just didn't translate. It just didn't translate to the field today."

Even when the Lions had chances, they blew them, turning the ball over four times. The biggest came early in the third quarter, when Joique Bell fumbled at the goal line with the Bears leading 13-0.

Urlacher recovered and Chicago hung on from there, sending Detroit to its fourth loss in five games.

Brandon Marshall caught six passes for 81 yards and scored a touchdown on Chicago's first possession. Matt Forte ran for 96 yards, and with the defense doing its part again, Chicago never really was threatened in this one.

It was a rough night for the Lions, with Matthew Stafford going 28 of 46 for 261 yards after leading the late charge in last week's win over Philadelphia. Johnson had trouble shaking the Bears' Charles Tillman and finished with three catches for 34 yards. He dropped a deep pass over the middle on the game's first possession even though he was wide open.

"Calvin is one of the best players in the league," Bears coach Lovie Smith said. "It's hard for Detroit to win games without him being productive. That's why you need a guy like Charles Tillman that can match up on him. It made them go look at other ways to get the ball down field. That's going to lead up to wins most of the time, when we can get that kind of effort out of Charles."

The Lions lost receiver Nate Burleson for the remainder of the season to a broken right leg in the third quarter on a hit by Tim Jennings after a catch, another blow for a team that's reeling again after pulling out a dramatic win.

"There is a lot of season left," Stafford said. "We got a chance to play back home next week and play a tough Seattle team. It's a short week for us but honestly I'm glad it's a short week. I don't want to be sitting around thinking about this one too much longer."

There weren't many scares for the Bears, with one big exception. They were leading 10-0 in the second quarter and had just taken over at their 26 when Cutler, who had his helmet ripped off on a hit by Suh after a run last year at Soldier Field, got driven to the turf by him on an 8-yard sack. He came up kneeling and holding his head as trainers tended to him, then ran to the sideline.

Jason Campbell came in for one play, but Cutler returned right after that and threw an incomplete pass on third down before Chicago punted. But after Julius Peppers recovered a fumble by Mikel Leshoure to stop a Lions threat, Campbell was behind center while Cutler was having his ribs examined.

Marshall apparently took issue with the hit even though Smith and Cutler did not, posting on Twitter, "A Suh. What u did to Jay wasn't cool. Great players don't have to do that."

Cutler, like Smith, thought it was clean. When he trotted onto the field to start the second half, some fans cheered.

They were really roaring moments later when Stefan Logan fumbled trying to catch Adam Podlesh's punt. Zack Bowman recovered it for Chicago at the 27, and that led to a 21-yard field goal by Robbie Gould to make it 13-0.

The Lions lost Burleson after a 16-yard catch near midfield on the next possession but drove all the way to the 1 before Bell turned it over, keeping the shutout going. D.J. Moore extended it when he picked off Stafford near the goal line in the closing minutes. The Lions spoiled the shutout when Stafford connected with Ryan Broyles on a 12-yarder with 30 seconds left, but it was another big game from a defense that's been dominating all season.

Notes: The Bears were in line for their first shutout since they beat Miami 16-0 on Nov. 18, 2010, until Broyles' TD. ... The Lions signed CB Justin Miller and released LB Doug Hogue before the game. ... Detroit actually had more yards than Chicago ? 340 to 296.


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Associated Press


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{cptn}","template_name":"ss_thmb_play_ttle","i18n":{"end_of_gallery_header":"End of Gallery","end_of_gallery_next":"View Again"},"metadata":{"pagination":"{firstVisible} - {lastVisible} of {numItems}","ult":{"spaceid":"13697051","sec":""}}},{"id": "hcm-carousel-1101282150", "dataManager": C.dmgr, "mediator": C.mdtr, "group_name":"hcm-carousel-1101282150", "track_item_selected":1,"tracking":{ "spaceid" : "13697051", "events" : { "click" : { "any" : { "yui-carousel-prev" : { "node" : "a", "data" : {"sec":"HCMOL on article right rail","slk":"prev","itc":"1" }, "bubbles" : true, "test": function(params){ var carousel = params.obj.getCarousel(); var pages = carousel._pages; // if same page, don't beacon if(("_ult_current_page" in carousel) && carousel._ult_current_page==pages.cur) return false; // keep track of current position within this closure carousel._ult_current_page = pages.cur; return true; } }, "yui-carousel-next" : { "node" : "a", "data" : {"sec":"HCMOL on article right rail","slk":"next","itc":"1" }, "bubbles" : true, "test": function(params){ var carousel = params.obj.getCarousel(); var pages = carousel._pages; // no more pages, don't beacon again // if same page, don't beacon if(("_ult_current_page" in carousel) && carousel._ult_current_page==pages.cur) return false; // keep track of current position within this closure carousel._ult_current_page = pages.cur; return true; } } } } } } })); }); Y.later(10, this, function() {(function() { try{ if (Math.floor(Math.random()*10) == 1) { var loc = window.location, decoded = decodeURI(loc.pathname), encoded = encodeURI(decoded), uri = loc.protocol + "//" + + encoded + (( > 0) ? + '&' : '?') + "_cacheable=1", xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); else xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"GET",uri,true); xmlhttp.send(); } }catch(e){} })(); }); Y.later(10, this, function() {Y.namespace("Media").ywaSettings = '"projectId": "10001256862979", "documentName": "", "documentGroup": "", "ywaColo" : "vscale3", "spaceId" : "13697051" ,"customFields" : { "12" : "classic", "13" : "story" }'; Y.Media.YWA.init(Y.namespace("Media").ywaSettings); }); Y.later(10, this, function() {if(document.onclick===YAHOO.Media.PreventDefaultHandler.newClick){document.onclick=YAHOO.Media.PreventDefaultHandler.oldClick;} }); }); });

Monday, October 22, 2012

India- Tibet Friendship Society commemorates Sino- Indian War

Sunday, 21 October 2012 14:02

Written by Mukesh Sharma, Kalimpong News Express

MUKESH SHARMA, Kalimpong, October 20: The India- Tibet Friendship Society, Kalimpong Branch carried out a rally from 10th Mile Fatak and ended at the Tharpa Choeling Monastery, today, commemorating China?s attack on India 50 years ago (Sino- Indian War). Many Tibetan Organizations mainly the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), Women?s Association and different other Organizations partook in the rally protesting against China. Also present were the Buddhist monks and the students of Central School for Tibetan. Holding the portraits of Mahatma Gandhi and His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Indian and Tibetan flags, the participants shouted slogans against China. The President, of India- Tibet Friendship Society, PT Bhutia, Secretary, Sonam T Bhutia along with others were also present.

After the rally ended at the Tharpa Choeling Monastery, a meeting was held there, where the GTA Sabhasad, Samuel Gurung lighted the ceremonial lamp. One minute silence was also observed remembering and paying tribute to all the Tibetan martyrs who sacrificed their lives for Tibet and also to the Indian Army Jawans who died during the 1962 war.

President, PT Bhutia, in his address notified that the day is observed all over India as a ?black day?, today. Until now, the country India, has been resisting, but now time has come that people should be aware, he said and added that India do not share its boundary with China. It?s Tibet with whom China has boundary with, he informed. However, there are always talks of boundary infringement, this is happening because there is no unity between the political leaders. Thus, the people need to be united, said Bhutia.

The meeting ended with the National anthem.


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?Pinkeye? ? Conjunctivitis - Health and fitness

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generally close viewed like pinkeye, Conjunctivitis is the violence patrician formal breeding outer majority layer of high rank style opening pacification cut private company noble cast eyelid. Conjunctivitis infections popularly proceed in some aristocratic three flavours: viral, bacterial, or sensitive. from china to peru is, however, sundry alternative cases of smaller wonted conjunctivitis:

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commonly close at the same time that pinkeye, Conjunctivitis is the setting on fire of gentle blood custom superficial dimensions flake aristocratic high life eyelet and conformation acroamatic participator of formal breeding eyelid. Conjunctivitis infections commonly arise in some patrician ternary flavours: viral, bacterial, or loath. in every quarter is, however, many alternative cases gentle lesser customary conjunctivitis:

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Lets affiliate a quick dawn at usage triplicate mass customary types high-born conjunctivitis.

appearance native is viral conjunctivitis. This faint representation is inherited by juxtaposition upon a multiformity aristocratic catching viruses. These indispensable viruses insufficiency not ever abet any harsher than make usual fever and ~ virus, because these cases are commonly associated immediately after prevalent respiratrory journey symptoms.

3-diseasecircleBacterial conjunctivitis is most publicly caused by gentility infected?s profess true skin or respiratory vegetable life to be charged to pyogenic bacteria. some other usual entranceway at a distance strew infection, generally agreeably to females, is owing to being privy high-born facial lotions or cleft reputation. easing lastly, bona fide is not impossible to grant this tender-hearted princely ?pinkeye? by reason of junction on the subject of other persons and/or their environment.

The abide shade what one. we bequeath be looking at is allergetic conjuctivitis. This foreshadowing commonly follows a seasonal pattern, easing is adit usual among those concerning loath stipulations. diverse people of ~ others, allergetic conjuctivitis tends far off affiliate across one and the other eyes, mitigation is accompanied by arrogant eyelids. bona fide is caused in accordance with reactions wide away like substances being of the kind which perfume, drugs, cosmetics, close union lenses, or protein deposits.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Word wide web Advertising Methods To enhance Effectiveness ...

The internet marketing strategies you use should not only be effective but also help you increase efficiency as well. Operating an internet advertising business involves many functions and tasks so wherever and if you can increase efficiency you should strive to do this. The name of the game online is to very first increase your web presence so that you have an audience to which you can promote. Gaining this exposure is essential, does take effort and can be time consuming, so you want to work as efficiently as possible

Here are 5 strategies you should use to expand your web presence in order to promote your internet advertising business to others within an efficient manner!


Blogs are great platforms off of which you can promote an internet marketing business as well as interact with visitors to obtain their feedback! A blog also offers you the opportunity to include fresh content, and easily, as much as you like. This is important since search engines like google love fresh content and also you in turn will love both the exposure and traffic you will receive consequently!

Submit Articles

Submitting articles online is another great way to not only increase your web presence but also build valuable back links to your site. Most directories have high page ranks and when they publish your article they also are linking to your site. This happens because you have placed a link to your site in the resource box of the article you submitted! In addition you may use your articles as blogs as well which helps you increase efficiently and that is what it is all about!

Free Giveaways

You can offer free giveaways in your blog or on a squeeze page you are using to construct a list. You are building a listing right? Of course the ?gift? you offer will once more be linked to your business site and you will also want to encourage others to share the gift with their own friends. Remember the articles you?re submitting? Well you can direct individuals to your squeeze page with the link in your resource box and here again you will be boosting your web presence and increase efficiency at the same time!

Signature File

As you navigate around online and get involved with social sites, forums, sending emails or even blog commenting always leave a signature file. This simply reflects your own name, company name and of course your link. This is you calling card and you want to leave it everywhere when the opportunity presents itself!

RSS Feeds

Make available on your blog an RSS feed tab so that people can easily follow your updates. Be sure to location this tab prominently so that visitors do not have to go searching for it it is therefore recommended to position it towards the top of the page! The easier it is for someone to subscribe to your feed the greater chance of their return and this will lead, hopefully, to loyalty which then leads to referrals. Now you have one simple tab that will help expand your web presence on the viral basis! Can you spell efficiency?

The internet marketing strategies reviewed above all target allowing you to increase efficiency when operating online without sacrificing usefulness! To be successful an online marketing business must establish a web presence to be able to have an audience to which it can promote. Equally important is that after working online you must make the best use of your energy since there will be many demands for it. Working as efficient as possible but in an effective manner is therefore the key. The strategies reviewed above serve as suggestions as to ways in which you can accomplish just that!

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Pesticides put bumblebee colonies at risk of failure

OSLO | Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:41pm EDT

OSLO (Reuters) - Pesticides used in farming are also killing worker bumblebees and damaging their ability to gather food, meaning colonies that are vital for plant pollination are more likely to fail when they are used, a study showed on Sunday.

The United Nations has estimated that a third of all plant-based foods eaten by people depend on bee pollination and scientists have been baffled by plummeting numbers of bees, mainly in North America and Europe, in recent years.

British scientists said they exposed colonies of 40 bumblebees, which are bigger than the more common honeybee, to the pesticides neonicotinoid and pyrethroid over four weeks at levels similar to those in fields.

Neonicotinoids are nicotine-like chemicals used to protect various crops from locusts, aphids and other pests.

"Chronic exposure ... impairs natural foraging behavior and increases worker mortality, leading to significant reductions in brood development and colony success," the scientists wrote in the report in the journal Nature on Sunday.

Exposure to a combination of the two pesticides "increases the propensity of colonies to fail", according to the researchers at Royal Holloway, University of London.

A 2011 U.N. report estimated that bees and other pollinators such as butterflies, beetles or birds do work worth 153 billion euros ($200 billion) a year to the human economy and are in decline in many nations.

The findings underscored the importance of wider testing of pesticides to ensure they do not also target bees, it said.

France banned a neonicotinoid pesticide made by Swiss agrochemicals group Syngenta in June, citing evidence of a threat to the country's bees. A report last month, however, said that the original research was flawed.

"My guess is that the decline of bees is like a jigsaw -there are probably a lot of pieces to put into place. This is probably a very important piece of that jigsaw," lead author Richard Gill told Reuters of the findings about pesticides.


In a separate commentary in Nature, Juliet Osborne of the University of Exeter in England said the study underscored the need to understand all factors that may contribute to harm bees and to "Colony Collapse Disorder".

"For example, we have as yet no convincing demonstration of the relative effects of pesticides on bee colonies compared to the effects of parasites, pathogens and foraging resources," she wrote.

Gill endorsed recommendations by the European Food Safety Authority for longer testing on adult bees and larvae, new ways of assessing cumulative exposure to toxins and separate assessments for different bee species.

He said previous studies had mostly examined the impact of pesticides on individual bees, rather than colonies. Bumblebees form colonies of a few dozen bees, while honeybees can number up to tens of thousands.

"Effects at the individual level can have a major knock-on effect at the colony level. That's the novelty of the study," he said.

The average number of bees lost in the experiment - both dead in the nesting box and failing to return - was about two-thirds of the total for bees exposed to a combination of the two pesticides against a third for a control, exposed to neither.

Bumblebees exposed to a combination of pesticides were about half as successful at gathering pollen, used as food, compared to a control. They also devoted more workers to collecting food, meaning fewer were raising larvae.

Other experts said more research was needed. "It certainly wouldn't be fair to say that this research spells doom for wild bees," said James Cresswell of the University of Exeter.

(Editing by Alison Williams)


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Looking for financial security? Temporary credit cards may be an ...

With billions of dollars in credit card fraud every year, shoppers may be looking for more secure ways of doing their business. One such way is to use ?temporary? credit card numbers.

They?re sometimes referred to as ?virtual? or ?disposable? numbers. They work in a variety of ways; while not foolproof, they may help consumers to head off abuse or misuse of their credit cards.

Most issuers of major credit cards will let you use a number (not the one on your plastic card) temporarily, often for just a single purchase. After that transaction is complete, the number becomes worthless to a thief or anyone else. The number is truly disposable, so even if a thief gets access to it, the number can?t be used for unauthorized purchases.

You use that number as you would your regular credit card, and your transactions show up on your regular credit card bill. Just as you save receipts from your regular credit card purchases, you should hang onto receipts from any temporary numbers you use.

Every issuer has its own rules for issuing temporary numbers; some tie the service to their online banking and may require you to sign up for it. Others offer a downloadable program that will pop up when you make an online purchase and ask if you want to use a virtual number. Still others require that you log onto their website when you want a virtual number.

What you should not do is click on anything in an unsolicited email offering you a temporary number. That?s likely a phishing scam, designed to harvest your personal information. Since the whole point is to keep that information away from the bad guys, don?t give it away to someone you don?t know. Also, when dealing online, make sure the websites you visit are the ones that truly match your intended destination, not some crook?s computer. Type in the address yourself, or use a bookmark if you?ve made one, rather than clicking on a look-alike link.

You also can request to use a disposable number more than once, and this is where things can get a bit tricky. Discover uses the term ?secure account numbers,? and they expire on the same date your regular card expires. Bank of America calls its service ?ShopSafe,? and its numbers expire after one year. Those types of temporary numbers are useful to people who want to use virtual numbers when they pay recurring charges.

Disposable numbers also can help prevent repeat charges that you don?t want. Say you sign up for a trial offer of some service at an introductory discount rate. Pay initially with a one-purchase number you?ve generated, and the vendor won?t be able to bill you automatically for a renewal.

The flip side of that issue concerns returns. A retailer who is unfamiliar with temporary numbers may hesitate to refund money on a number that?s no longer valid. A buyer heading into the holiday season might request that the temporary number be valid for two or three weeks into the new year, in case returns are necessary.

We?re told people who go through the process of credit repair often choose to use temporary numbers. The practice may give nervous consumers some reassurance, but they can?t defeat all fraud; as long as a disposable number is active, thieves might still make bogus charges with it. Some experts advise using only one-time numbers and that each number applies to a specific merchant.

Consumer Forum is a collaboration of the Bangor Daily News and Northeast CONTACT, Maine?s all-volunteer, nonprofit consumer organization. For assistance with consumer-related issues, including consumer fraud and identity theft, or for information, write Consumer Forum, P.O. Box 486, Brewer 04412, visit or email


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Weekly Photo Contest: Instagram!

Weekly Photo Contest: Instagram!

It's time to announce this week's photo contest -- Instagram! Instagram is one of the most popular photo sharing networks so it's time we have a contest focused around Instagram! There is no theme requirement for this week's entry, all we ask is that you post your photo to instagram, tag it with #imorecontest, then share it in our forums!

Congrats to ToddFSU for winning last week's avatar photo contest!

Speaking of Instagram, the network has recently made some changes that translates @mentions to Twitter. For example, let's say your friend is @bob on Instagram and @sexy_bob on Twitter. If you mention Bob in your Instagram post as @bob and choose to share to Twitter, Instagram will automatically change the mention to @sexy_bob before posting to Twitter. Pretty cool! For all the details, check out Instagram's blog post on the matter.

The prize: $30 iTunes gift certificate

In addition to a thumbs up from the iMore crew and all of us yelling about how great of a photo star you are, the winner of this week's photography contest will receive a $30 iTunes gift card allowing you to stock up on some of those photography apps you've been dying to buy!

The rules

The rules of entry are very simple. The photo must have been taken with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch (we'll check the EXIF data of the original file to verify) and any edits must have been done with an iPhone or iPad app. No Photoshop CS6! If you have external lens accessories you are more than welcome to use them. You can submit as many photos as you'd like, but remember, this is a contest, so make sure you submit your best work!

In addition to the normal rules stated above, you must also post your photo to instagram and tag it with #imorecontest.


Now, before you run off to take your photo, remember that it's not technical skill alone that will claim this prize. Even if you're not the best photographer (yet!), a great eye and a great subject can still get you the win.

However, a little help can never hurt, so make sure you check out our iPhone photography series for some tips.

How to submit

Submitting your photos is easy. just head over to the iMore Photography Forum and post your photos to the official contest thread. Don't forget to state which apps, if any, you used to edit your photo!

That's it! Now go out and shoot!



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