Friday, January 13, 2012

VIDEO: For those who enjoy ?Mario Kart?, iPhones, and shameless Chinese copycats

Games that blatantly rip off Nintendo?s IP in the Apple App Store are somewhat dime a dozen, but Mole Kart is in a class of its own.

The following has been making the rounds like crazy, for perhaps obvious reasons. Not only is it a brazen Chinese clone of Mario Kart, but it looks like a really damn good one as well (at least for its kind, imho)?

Everyone is up in arms, but you know how Nintendo fans tend to be. Again, I?m grading on a curve here; whereas most Super Mario rip offs are functionally retarded, this one looks pretty competent. Sure the handling looks super loose, but name me an iOS racer that doesn?t have the same problem. I actually tried purchasing a copy, but couldn?t find it in the App Store, so either it?s already been yanked or is simply only available in China.

Moving on, another notable clone that I didn?t get the chance to pass along the first time, and which I had totally forgotten about, until Kotaku brought it up again, is China?s take on Team Fortress 2?

Again, looks really good! Well, the cinematics at least. Though both of those efforts pale in comparison to the eeDoo iSec, which resembles the PS3, but mostly apes the Xbox 360?s Kinect and its games. Like the following, which is damn near indistinguishable from the official offerings from MS. Any diehard Kinect fans that would like to refute are more than welcome to?

Still, nothing beats the king of Chinese game consoles, the Super Megason?

supermegasonbig VIDEO: For those who enjoy Mario Kart, iPhones, and shameless Chinese copycats

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Matt Hawkins Matt Hawkins is an NYC based video game journalist, designer, consultant, and cultralist. He's been published in EGM and GameSetWatch amongst others. Matt also makes comics and zines, is obsessed with cable access, gets into arguments with homeless people all the time, and once had his nipple bitten off during a one night stand. But that's neither here nor there.

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