Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Child Guide Discontinued ? Democratic Parenting Released

Happy Child Guide Discontinued - Democratic Parenting ReleasedReviewed by Admin on Feb 23.Rating: 5.0Democratic Parenting can help parents bring peace to their home and enable them to raise happy kids.Democratic Parenting is common sense guide for raising happy children and is the new and improved version of The Happy Child Guide. The book is written by Dr. Blaise T. Ryan.

Happy Child Guide

The Happy Child Guide was one of the most popular parenting handbooks written in the last few years. ?Many parents who struggled with how to discipline their children learned happy parenting and began raising happy children. ?Recently the Happy Child Guide was discontinued because Dr. Blaise Ryan has published Democratic Parenting.

What is Democratic Parenting?

Democratic Parenting book

Democratic Parenting is common sense guide for raising happy children and is the new and improved version of The Happy Child Guide. ?The book is written by Dr. Blaise T. Ryan who is the chief child behavioral researcher?at Child Brain Health Educational Research Institute.?This is the 5th edition of the book. ?The new book includes 3 new methods:?Natural Consequences, Family Meetings and Self-Directed Play and so much new material that they decided to rename it ?Democratic Parenting?.

Evolving Beyond Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting

Research has shown that children raised by authoritarian parents can have trouble when they grow up. ?They can become socially withdrawn and often lack initiative and curiosity. ?Sadly some of them are likely to marry abusive and controlling partners. ?Some children who are raised by authoritarian parents will rebel and defy their parents by doing drugs, using alcohol and having underage sex. ?It makes sense that parents should at least consider some alternatives to punishment. ?Rather than?motivating children?through fear and rewards,?Democratic Parenting?is about raising children who are guided by love, good judgement and respect. ?The key is that this?parenting handbook?helps you to uncover and focus on the hidden triggers to your child?s misbehavior and get to the root cause of the problem.

Does It Work Better For Boy Behavior Problems Or Girl Behavior Problems?

Many people believe that boys are harder to raise than girls, but plenty of people would say that girls are harder to raise than boys. ?The truth is that both boys and girls present challenges to their parents and do respond to certain situations differently. ?Once you understand some of the subtle differences between raising boys and raising girls you realize that the basic parenting methods are the same. ?Democratic Parenting works well for both boys and girls.

Learn How To Deal With Temper Tantrums

By using the Democratic Parenting methods of Connective Communication and Setting Limits?you can eliminate temper tantrums, defiance, talking back, lying, rebellion, power struggles, fighting, butting heads?and arguments. ?Best of all, this parenting handbook will teach you how to stop your child?s misbehavior without using punishment or rewards.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Democratic Parenting?Evolving Beyond Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting?doesn?t claim to cure or treat psychological problems?like A.D.D., A.D.H.D., O.D.D., Autism, Asperger?s or?Anxiety?but it can still help children with these issues learn better social and emotional skills. ?Children who are diagnosed with these issues can have trouble dealing with the stigma associated and can develop further problems as a result.

Is It Only For Child Behavioral Problems?

Dealing with child behavior problems can be very stressful for parents and cause havoc in a family. ?Democratic Parenting can help parents bring peace to their home and enable them to raise happy kids. ?However, the parenting methods and child behavior principles?will work with any child to increase their cooperation even if they are already well behaved. ?All parents can teach their children how to improve their communication and concentration skills through Happy Parenting.

Democratic Parenting Bonuses

The Democratic Parenting book comes with 7 bonuses!

7 Effective Alternatives to Punishment

11 Super-foods That Kids Love

Teaching Children Respect

Post-Natal Depression

5 Reasons to Stop Saying ?Good Job?

Teaching Through Love Instead of Fear

How to Raise a Happy and Cooperative Child with Half the Effort

What Every Parent Needs to Know about Discipline, Punishment and Rules

How to Raise a Resilient Child

Learn More Here!

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