Friday, August 10, 2012

Your Birth Chart Is A Gift From The Universe

Your Birth Chart is actually a blueprint of your life's development. Where you have been, where you are now, and where you will be in the future. It is not however, set in stone, as this blueprint has to contend with your free will. Otherwise we would all be like robots fulfilling our plan or mission.

Imagine if you will, before you were born, designing your Birth Chart with your teachers or mentors. At this level you would have no personality, but would be your core, spiritual or higher- self or whatever term you wish to use. Also at this level you would be in tune with the harmony and wisdom of the Universe. Apart from your own life, part of your mission, if you wish to take it, would be to assist in helping planet Earth to work in harmony with the greater universe. This is only possible if you align yourself to your source, i.e. your core self.

Each mission or life time is taking you step by step back to this point of your spiritual harmony and perfection. Each journey is to build a strength of character where your spirit can shine, giving it a vehicle of expression, resulting in greater purpose to life.

The Problem With The Plan

From the process of living through our many journeys we have created layers of defences and protection in our need for survival and security. Our core self could have been repressed and even lost in our evolutionary quest. However,our spiritual essence is so innate its influence sends echoes through our mind.

Free Will

Our free will is given so we can find out for ourselves by making choices for our optimum growth. This can be difficult for most of us! We usually use our free will from a sense of self, which can distance us from our original source. A sense of dis- ease begins to stir within. This can cause dissatisfaction, illness and a search for our true purpose.

Bring in the Birth Chart!

This is how your Birth Chart can be useful. Remember it is your blue print and one you made at a higher level, therefore having a greater perspective. It will show your challenges and the obstacles you will need to overcome; as well as the talents and abilities you may need to develop and sharpen. More than this however, it will connect you in your source. This reconnecting brings light and purpose back into your life. Your Birth Chart is literally a Life Guiding Map to your core self and your life. It is a gift from the Universe and you need to learn to use it. Although we can and do get along without it; life is far richer with it. Learning to understand it, is finding out about 'YOU', your life, your uniqueness and your particular journey. You may also tap into your original plan.

Lucinda Tinsley as been studying Astrology for over 20 years. Her website covers many aspects of this subject as she tries to bring astrology down to earth. Using the psychological approach she helps you to understand your unique Birth Chart. Giving you greater insights into yourself and your life.


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